![]() Buckle up your seat belts... this is going to be a fast ride in an old car, with Charles at the wheel! Like I said, don't thank me... always glad to help out THE WORLD! Ok, here we go with Part One of the first of a series of articles regarding some very important topics of great social and political significance. |
"Politics makes strange bedfellows." (Quote by Charles Adrian Trevino, 1932) Ok, ok, I didn't really say that first; some other very perceptive guy said it. I'm just stealing his quote because nobody probably remembers who said it; I'm like that! Actually though, whoever said it doesn't really matter; the damn thing is true. Let me attempt to explain that last statement. Have you ever met somebody you completely agreed with on every subject under the sun? If you're like me, you probably haven't... and have given up on even the remotest possibililty of ever finding such a person, that perfect match who you'll never argue with... you know, your soul-mate! It just doesn't happen, and probably shouldn't, either. After all, we're not a bunch of non-sentient, docile cows, are we? You should always keep this in mind when you go to the polls to vote for a presidential candidate, like I do. Ok, ok, I'll admit it... I don't. I myself seldom vote. Why? Well for one thing, I've never found a presidential candidate, or even a lower-office candidate, who didn't make me furious for supporting some dumb-ass thing I just can't abide with. Also, even if I did cast a ballot I fear that the guy might probably just turn around and change his stance, go back on his word so to speak, either because of changing circumstances, or coercion, or in a desire to get elected again next time, or maybe he was just offered more money than his constituents could come up with... the prick. So, should you just give up like Charles and not vote at all (after all, if nobody voted, we wouldn't even need to have the gosh-danged election, would we)... or should you just try to vote for the lesser of two evils, maybe? (That's assuming you can even figure out who the bigger asshole is.) What good does voting do? And why should people even bother to vote? It might just depend on the priority of your interests. Suppose you had something to lose other than, say, the right to take away some other person's right to have a safe, inexpensive, legal abortion, or maybe the right to deny somebody else their right to end their unbearably painful, miserable life in a painless, dignified manner if they so desired? (That's if you're a religiously right person, right?) For instance, suppose you were interested in keeping your savings account apace with inflation, so you wouldn't actually be losing money by opening a savings account? That might motivate you to hike down to your neighborhood polling place. Or suppose maybe you had a vested interest in something. A big vested interest; like suppose you worked for or owned a lot of stock in a company that rebuilt an evil country's infrastructure (after your altruistic country bombed the shit out of it), or a company that manufactured Napalm, or Agent Orange, or... you know, something nice like that. What if somebody came along that wanted to stop a nice profitable little war, or even... gasp! A nice profitable big war? Wouldn't that motivate you to get up off of your lazy apathetic butt and vote, like Charles doesn't? I guess I'm being a trifle cynical and pessimistic here. I suppose your reasons for voting all depend on your priorities. But to get back to the subject at hand, who actually controls this country that so kindly allows you to vote? And why should you care who controls it? I suppose that depends on who you are, what you own, what you think, and how you feel. For example, I myself feel that if we could control certain key undesirable elements in this country (and other countries as well), then other undesirable elements wouldn't have as easy a chance to take root and grow, and spread. Sort of like addressing the cause of the cancer, instead of bombarding the victim with debilitating chemo-therapy treatments. In short, I believe that a country's cultural aspects are just as important as its economic and political matters, and in fact may have a profound influence on such matters. What do I mean by "cultural" aspects? Well, Webster's dictionary gives several definitions of the word "culture". Here are a few pertinent ones (which I can use to further my own agenda): 1) the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon man's capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations; and/or, 2) the act of developing the intellectual and moral faculties, especially by education. Yeah, so what does that have to do with the price of eggs? Well, to put it bluntly, I believe that if a country's intellectual and moral integrity are allowed to fall into a state of what I would consider to be decline, due to some sick asshole's interference with its capacity for learning and especially transmitting knowledge to succeeding generations, then that country's economic health and political integrity will follow suit. Therefore, it is extremely important to prevent such intellectual and moral faculties from going down the tubes. So what exactly are you trying to say, Charles? Well, let me try to tie all of this together. It all boils down to my theory that if a bunch of insane Satanic assbites are allowed to take control of a country by holding its economy hostage, then that country's knowledge, beliefs, behaviors, intellectual and moral faculties will go down the tubes accordingly. Ok, great! So all we have to do then is root out these insane Satanic assbites, and, well.. neutralize them, right? But just how would we go about doing that, when everybody is fighting each other over one thing or another? Hmmm... that's a good question. This is a touchy subject, one that requires a little bit of "oil" to lubricate the societal gears, before I start grinding them away. Alright, enough bullshitting around... I'll admit it, I don't know who the hell runs this country (all I know is what I read in the Wall Street Journal, ha ha!). Just kidding, folks... actually, I do read a little bit here and there (or at least I used to), and some of the people I read back up their assertions with things like facts, statistics, and/or bibliographies - which are actually just more assertions somebody got from somebody else. So then, not to get off the subject, but who are you to believe? Who can you trust? Who is telling the truth, and who is lying? Or should everybody just believe what they want to believe, and disdain the rest? Kind of like what I myself do? If you read the news that your cell phone service provider brings you, you might have noticed that many news outlets are starting to feature people who write in strange, cynical and comically sarcastic styles, playing fast and loose with the "facts," as if they were writing a piece for chucktrevino.com or something! Very strange. You shouldn't believe these people, they're all insane (unlike Charles, who knows what he's doing). We'll be discussing some of these copy-cats in my next piece, "Who Controls The Media?" But right now, we're going to focus on some of the more sane and stable asserters... assertionists... er, opinionated people out there. One such voice of reason is a so-called "conspiracy theorist" named Charles Edward Griffin, who has a website called Reality Zone that features, among other things, books of varying levels of understandability. Although I don't agree 100% with everything he says or some of the items featured on his site, Griffin seems to be an intelligent, perceptive, non-hysterical observer of the political and economic events that have shaped this country into what it now is... and what its doing to us and the rest of the world. One of his easier-to-follow offerings (even I can follow it!) is a 1994 publication called ![]() "The Creature from Jekyll Island" (hereinafter "Jekyll Island") is just one of a number of books which I will be referring to as I attempt to inform the world. It is a book that should probably be studied in schools, beginning at the junior high school level (for the more advanced students), and most certainly at the high school and college levels. In fact, I believe that if we want to continue on as an autonomous country (is there really such a thing?), with the ability to solve the inevitable problems we will surely face as the future unfolds with all of its brilliant technological achievements, and not become helpless subjects of those aforementioned Satanic assbite people, we should really DEMAND that books like this be studied in public schools (and private schools, so all you rich people won't lose out either). Jekyll Island presents a horrifying picture of a group of super-astute people who believe they should rule the entire planet, so that they can shape it into a form closer to their own hearts' desire. These people are wealthy, well-educated, extremely well-organized, diabolically clever (about gaining control of everything, I mean), and, actually, well-intentioned. The problem as I see it is that, for reasons not entirely clear to me, they have decided to throw in their lot with other people who are also wealthy, well-educated, diabolically clever about gaining control over everybody and everything, and not so well-intentioned... the Satanists, as I like to refer to them. If time permits (that is, if something terrible doesn't happen to me), I will be expanding at length about who some of these people are and why I believe they are Satan's instrument on earth (assuming as I do that "God" is pure platonic love, compassion, understanding, rationality, sympathy and forgiveness, and "Satan" is pure unreasoning hatred, unchecked paranoia, merciless vindictiveness, greed and cupidity). This tractate will be based on close observations I have been able to make of these monstrous beasts, and some of the insanely sadistic things they have done to me and other unfortunate people, many of whom are dead. I will be making a supreme effort to remain objective in making my analyses of these poor people and the reasons that motivate them to deport themselves in the sick way that they do. However, these vile lunatics have caused so much harm to that aforementioned God's world, and to His people (including the largely innocent [is anyone totally innocent?] victims of their insane excesses, a body of humans whom they have embedded themselves amongst, and whom they expediently and (I hope) erroneously refer to as "their people"). It should make for interesting reading, if nothing else. (to be continued in parts... time permitting.) |